Our Club Mental Health Champion, Michelle Gonzalez recently spoke to our U16 Pumas team about the importance of looking after their minds as well as their bodies.
There is lots of discussion currently in many different arenas about mental health. Whilst "only" 13% of kids have a diagnosis, around 75% carry some mental health issues. That's at least ten of the boys in this photo.
The boys were pointed toward a web based resource www.kooth.com. It may be of use to others of you so please check it out, there is some worthwhile info on there.
Michelle will be visiting other teams over the coming weeks. If you are the manager of one of our teams and would like to request a visit, please get in touch by messaging our page.
Take care of yourselves and those around you. #KentFA #mentalhealthchampion #anchoriansandthecommunity www.tommycrushfoundation.org.uk www.kooth.com